Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011 sure has been an interesting year ....

Here's wishing you all a super 2012!

David vs Goliath

As usual, don't ask me to explain what's going on here.

Yes, KC's doing karate at his son.

Yes, Jory's doing it back.

And yes, my son lives in a pink room. It wasn't supposed to be pink, but it is what it is.

Like I said, don't ask me to explain.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Mommies and babies

PS - the elephant seal is from the Piedras Blancas rookery down in San Simeon ... more vacation photos soon!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Jory's Christmas wardrobe

Most days, Jory's ... activities ... necessitate multiple costume changes. Christmas was no exception.
He started the day in his Halloween outfit. Don't ask me why.

Then something horrible happened (let's just say the first diaper change of the morning is usually rather shocking) that required not only a new outfit but a bath. Which then led to a Christmas half-time nap:

And then we spent the rest of the day admiring his Christmas hairdo, which was remarkable even for Jory:

Notice Zanzibar lurking in the back of that last photo, in the bouncer!

Christmas cleverness

Jory's first Christmas presents were all due to the cleverness of his Daddy ... Mommy figured that the "gift of life" was sufficient present-giving for the year (you might as well read that as "Mommy was too tired to think of what a 3-month-old needs").

Daddy took a note from Uncle Mats' (lab) book and crafted a set of rattles for Jory. Quite clever, actually, although I confess I'm not crazy about the acid content of the battery-containing rattle. The other rattles contain pipette tips, thin-walled thermocycler tubes, and paper clips. The cats have attempted to shanghai the rattles for themselves, another blow in the ongoing battle of felines-vs-baby (and no doubt will inspire another "misappropriation of resources" post).

Daddy's other stroke of cleverness was co-opting Jory's wetsuit when the Christmas stocking went missing:

And yes, that's the wetsuit that I bought for Jory literally just before heading into what I thought was a routine OB appointment. The wetsuit sat in the car for a week while we were hospitalized. Funny how things turn out, isn't it?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Eve eve

Thanks to our dear friends Lee and Melinda, we finally have a properly decorated Christmas tree!

They sent us literally hundreds of ornaments from their collection. KC and I had a great time putting them on tonight (Jory slept through it).

Now we just have to wait and see what the cats do when they discover the tree ....

Thursday, December 22, 2011


 We have no idea why he sleeps like this. Apparently it's not normal. Or usual. Whatever. It's especially creepy when his nails are long ....

Off-duty superhero

When not saving Gotham from nefarious evil-doers, Batman enjoys long walks in the park, filling his diaper, and kickin' it old school with mommy.

More resource misappropriation

The video misses the best part of this incident - when India takes a running leap onto the top arches over the mat ... again, note absence of baby.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Little astronaut

The life of Jory - so exhausting!

Update: five minutes after this photo was taken, Jory perpetrated a volcanic spit-up down my hoodie and all over my chest. Somehow he managed to avoid soiling his own clothes, which is good because I've already had to change his clothes two other times since 1 am! I had to change my clothes after one of those too ... and this is why I do laundry. Every. Day.

I guess that makes him a gas-tronaut ....

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Misappropriation of resources

Nursing pillow:

Car seat:

Crib (note absence of baby):

I've spared you the pictures of me with a cat on my knees, a cat on my lap, and a baby at my breast. You're welcome.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Chrismas at Allied Arts Guild

We visited the Christmas Market at the Allied Arts Guild with Jory's maternal grandparents:

And we attempted to get some good Christmas shots, but the California sun was so bright!

But we kept trying!

Fortunately we got a few nice pictures:

Jory sees the sea

Jory's first trip to the Pacific Ocean happened last week with his paternal grandparents!

Of course, his parents were there too ... how trite!

And one week later, we went back to Half Moon Bay with Jory's maternal grandparents:

Yes, Jory's that blue bundle!