Friday, September 28, 2012

Big boy haircut!

In preparation for Jory's upcoming first birthday - I know! it's crazy! - I decided to take him for a real big-boy haircut. Instead of spending 4-5 days chasing him around the house trying to find those fleeting moments when he actually holds still for more than 2 seconds at a time.

And boy am I glad that I did take him to the salon! I picked one that was specific for kids, and Jory loved it! Tons of TVs, toys, stuff that squeaks ... I practically had to drag him out of there. I would go insane if I had to work there.

The stylist took no more than ten minutes to do the cut. Jory held fairly still and was absolutely quiet through the whole thing. I couldn't believe it was the same child ... obviously I'm the limiting reagent here.



And after:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jory the foodie

Jory has really been eating well recently. Here's Jory eating the first egg produced by our next door neighbor's chickens. Note how white the egg white is!

And here's his breakfast this morning: a brioche from Manresa (a Michelin 2-star restaurant in Los Gatos). 

Too bad Daddy is not eating as well as the Big Man!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Jory plays didgeridoo!

I know all mothers are impressed by their offspring, but how many nearly-one-year-olds can play the didgeridoo?

Monday, September 10, 2012

I will crush you!

This weekend Tiffany left Jory and Daddy to frolic in the warm waters of La Jolla. Although she seems to be having a great time, we hope that she'll be coming back since:
1) she has already bought the plane ticket,

b) I'm sure she's sick of the weather being perfect every day,

iii) she can't help but be curious to see what has happened to the house and Jory.

Daddy and Jory have been having parties every night, and here's a photo of Jory mugging for the camera.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I was in the pool!!

Daddy and Jory take regular trips to the nearby community pool. Here they are on their way home!

And yes, the title of this post is a shrinkage reference. Speaking of which, is Jory breathtaking? :)

More time together

Now that Jory's maternal grandparents live close by, he's getting to spend lots more time with them. Enough, in fact, that he's overcoming the stranger anxiety-induced screaming fits that he's been unleashing on unsuspecting folks.