Monday, October 24, 2011

Jordan gets a new car to drive mommy around in

JAx is getting so big that we had to get an SUV just to fit him in, as you can see. We haggled with an Algerian fellow and ended up with a Mazda CX-7. He was very helpful, except when he was setting up my iPhone to sync over Bluetooth, I thought he asked me to say someone's name to call but in fact he was asking me to name my iPhone for the car's memory. So... now when I get in, the car says "Hello, Tiffany Vora." Ah well.


  1. So whose car get traded in? Or did Jordan get his own?

  2. It is probably because the car "belongs" to Tiff ;).

  3. For anyone who thinks we traded in the Z to get the Mazda, I say: "Pffffff. Over my dead body."

  4. wow, new car! we'll have to get you a new t-shirt from the rubberbandits :)

  5. Nice new car Jordan! Plenty of room for the stroller :)

  6. Um.... I expected your kid to be an earlier achiever and beat most milestones early, but driving... Come on now, that is pushing it.
