Thursday, January 2, 2014

Where's Jory? San Diego!

Happy New Year!

As you may have guessed, we've found ourselves distracted from blogging for the last few months. So as not to have it seem like Jory was in suspended animation for this period when we look back on his blog, I've made it my New Year's resolution to work backwards through my photos and actually post all the pics that I took with the intention of posting them.

So, for those of you who are still reading, I promise that I will make one post a day, for at least the next 2 weeks. However, they will be going backward in time, in an attempt to not skip over anything.

Here goes...

We just got back from our annual post Christmas trip; this year we flew to San Diego. This is Jory trying to figure out the buckle on his very own airplane seat. By far the most exciting thing about this plane trip was that he saw a digger from the plane as we were landing in San Diego - the entire plane now knows how excited he gets about diggers!

We stayed with Aunt Virginia and Uncle Chris (below), who was happy that the Ducks won their bowl game.

We also saw Uncle Toby, who made Jory's 2013 by giving him a slew of Thomas the Tank engine gifts!

Jory loved the beach, where his most exciting sighting was a helicopter flying overhead.

We managed to go to Hash House-a-Go-Go, Daddy's favorite restaurant in San Diego, where he had a crabcake-stuffed burger, mmm mmm!

But mostly we stayed at home, building towers...
talking on the phone...
or wearing Christmas undies... sort of.

Somewhere along the way we managed to take a bath:

And after that exhausting vacation, Jory needed a cuddle from Mommy:

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